2017 Winter Specialty RESULTS

South Coast Vizsla Club Winter Specialty

January 7th, 2017

Congratulations to ALL of today’s winners!

Best of Breed: GChS Russet Leather Ride to the Top AXJ AX JH “Teak”
Best of Winners: Kizmar Hit and Run CGC RN “Skeddadle”
Best of Opposite Sex: GCh Classic That Girl CDRA “Marlo”
Select Dog: GChB Renaissance Tambobata the Lion Hearted “Tambo”
Select Bitch: GCh Jen’s Penny Tamaron Tiania’s Perfect Alibi “Tiana”

Winners Dog:  Claddagh Smokin’ Hott Whiskey Tango Foxtrot “Tango”

Reserve Winners Dog:  Dezertfyre’s When the Stars Go Blue

Winners Bitch: Kizmar Hit and Run CGC RN “Skeddadle”

Reserve Winners Bitch:  Moonlight Take the Easy Way Out CGC “Arya”

Best in Sweepstakes: CH Comynara Tanner is the Silver Lining Ride “Tanner”

Best of Opposite in Sweepstakes: Kizmar Hit and Run CGC RN “Skeddadle”

Best Veteran in Sweepstakes: GCh Classic That Girl CD RA “Marlo”

Best of Opposite Veteran in Sweepstakes: GCh Russet Leather Wild Bill Cody MHA RA “Cody”

Below is the Catalogue.

VIZSLAS Judge: Mr. Ken J. Murray
VIZSLAS Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Dogs.
1 5 ZENITH MOONLIGHT ALL EYES ON ME ,  SR93893005  5/5/2016. Breeder: Karen Carnahan, Donna and Robert. Stein and Gail Taber By CH HRQ AskThe Expert JH — GCH Zenith’s Back Atcha.   Ilene Morse and Davi Nelson and Karen Lake . Dog.
VIZSLAS Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Dogs.
2 7 KIZMAR GJ HORTON HEARS A HUBERT ,  SR93410502  3/30/2016. Breeder: Sandy Kimmerle, Kathy Rust. and Sheila Aman By GCHP Regal Point Pinnacle of Kilauea MH CGC — CH Kizmar GJ McLain Special Edition.   Maureen Bitter and Sandy Kimmerle  . Dog.
3 9 KOPPERTONE’S SEMPER AUGUSTUS ,  SR92176902  2/27/2016. Breeder: Mark & Bonnie Goodwein. By CH Koppertone’s Redd Hott Jazz — CH Koopertone’s Yoshibel Bat Levi.   Phillip Wightman & Mark & Bonnie Goodwein  . Dog.
1/W 95 CLADDAGH SMOKIN’ HOTT WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT ,  SR92156603  3/17/2016. Breeder: Kathy Derham, Mark Goodwein,. Alyson Lyons and Shauna Summers By GCHG Solaris Smokin’ Hot Habanera — CH Koppetone’s Hott Pants.  Kathy Derham and Alyson Lyons and Shauna Summers . Dog.
VIZSLAS 12 Months and under 18 Months Dogs.
1 15 RUSSET LEATHER KOA SCOUT ,  SR91254702  12/10/2015. Breeder: Beverly and Adrian Wanjon. By GCH Russet Leather Stormwinds Lightning Strikes — CH Russet Leather Peyton Red.   Jim McClintock & Beverly Wanjon  . Dog.
VIZSLAS American Bred Dogs.
1 23 RIVERSIDE’S HE’S GOT HEART AT EVENINGSTAR ,  SR89799411  7/8/2015. Breeder: Chad and Janine Marty. By GCH Jaybren’s Irish Star — Mira’s Ruby Slipper.  Aja Montgomery & Gaila Brickus  . Dog.
VIZSLAS Open Dogs.
A 27 STARRPATH SAMPSON CGC JH,  SR80475406  12/5/2013. Breeder: Marta Pollack. By Big Johns Red Feather — Isabella’s Little Firestorm.   Melody Starr   . Dog.
1/RW 29 DEZERTFYRE’S WHEN THE STARS GO BLUE ,  SR85439005  11/2/2014. Breeder: Shella Waid & Michael Wald. By Jaybren’s Bohemian Band At Shayla — Dezertfyre’s Blue Ice.   Cindy Hunter   . Dog.
3 31 GOSSAMER’S N MOONDANCES OLIVER LOVAT ,  SR85377906  11/15/2014. Breeder: Laurel Zepp. By CH Panacea N Gossamer’s Shine On Harvest Moon — GCH Kyllburg N Gossamer’s Some Like It Hot.   Jodi and Ronny Rosenblatt and Laural Zepp  . Dog. Brianne Rock, Agent.
2 33 STORMWINDS RUSSET LEATHER HERE COMES THE SUN ,  SR87914503  4/16/2015. Breeder: Beverly Wanjon. By GCH Plaza’s Save The Last Dance JH — CH Storm Winds Ayenwatha.   Kristen Keeves   . Dog.
VIZSLAS Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Bitches.
1 6 RUSSET LEATHER WILD FLOWER II ,  SR93573505  5/16/2016. Breeder: Beverly A Wanjon & Andrian Wanjon. By GCH Russet Leather Stormwinds Lightning Strikes — Russet Leather Breaking Dawn.  Billie Garrard & Beverly Wanjon  . Bitch.
VIZSLAS Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Bitches.
1 8 RED DIAMOND’S MOON RIVER ,  SR9272006  3/27/2016. Breeder: Michelle Rochester & Michelle. Coburn By CH Golden Empire’s Trace of T — GCHB Red Diamond Chaos Unleashed.   Patsy Pope & Michelle Rochester  . Bitch.
2 12 CLADDAGH SMOKIN’ HOTT MESS ,  SR92156604  3/7/2016. Breeder: Kathy Derham, Mark Goodwein,. Alyson Lyons, Shauna Summers By GCHG Solaris Smokin’ Hot Habenera — CH Koppertone’s Hott Pants.   Kathy Derham and Alyson Lyons, K and K Meyer . Bitch.
VIZSLAS 12 Months and under 18 Months Bitches.
2 18 COMYNARA PRACTICALLY PANDAEMONIA ,  SR90751802  11/11/2015. Breeder: owner. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Dr. Susan J Mulley   . Bitch. Katelyn Ford, Agent.
1/W/BW 20 KIZMAR HIT AND RUN CGC RN ,  SR91196704  11/21/2015. Breeder: Kathy Rust & Nicole Ruddie &. Josh Rudie By CH Russet lether Caveat Kiowa — CH Kizmar surfing Th’Halfpipe.   Jamie Walton & Kathy Rust  . Bitch.
3 22 ZYDECO’S PIMM’S 1 DANDY OF A ROUX ,  SR89816407  9/30/2015. Breeder: Ashley and Chip Uffman. By DCH AFC Riverbend Deacon’s Dandy CD — GCH DC AFC Zydeco’s First You Make A Roux SH.   Carol Keller and Ashley Uffman  . Bitch.
4 24 COMYNARA WESTERN RED CEDAR ,  SR90751804  11/11/2015. Breeder: Dr. Susan J Mulley. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Jim and Tracy Horacek and Susan J Mulley  . Bitch. Katelyn Ford, Agent.
A 26 MIRA’S STRIDE RIGHT LEGACY EDITION ,  SR89834006  10/5/2015. Breeder: Melody Starr. By Bravo’s First Edition — CH Mira’s Not In Ks N E More.   Melody Starr and Michel R Berner  . Bitch.
VIZSLAS Bred by Exhibitor Bitches.
3 30 KOPPERTONE’S GOLDEN STARGAZER ,  SR83651001  7/12/2014. Breeder: Mark Goodwein, Noemi and James. Doohan By GCH Renaissance Tambopata The Lion Hearted — CH Yoshibel Bat Levi.   Mark and Bonnie Goodwein and Martha Williams  . Bitch.
2 32 HIGH TIDE’S AVANT GARDE ,  SR89937405  9/15/2015. Breeder: Alex and Amy Reinecke. By GCH Rozsa Huntmore Citori Lightnin MH — CH Mtnpride Mazey’s Stars Iined Up Bright As Sunsh.   Alex And Amy Reinecke   . Bitch.
1/RW 34 MOONLIGHT TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT CGC ,  SR86858104  2/9/2015. Breeder: Karen Lake, N Guarascio. and T Westerbeck By GCH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever — GCH Moonlight ‘N Tamaron When Stars Align CGC.   Denise Ellard and Karen Lake  . Bitch.
A 36 RUSSET LEATHER STORMWINDS UJ KEZDET ,  SR87914501  4/18/2015. Breeder: Kirsten Davis and. Beverly A Wanjon By GCH Plaza’s Save The Last Dance JH — CH Stormwinds Ayenwatha.  Beverly A Wanjon and Barry Golob, William Davis and Judy Saddlemire . Bitch.
VIZSLAS American Bred Bitches.
1 38 RUSSET LEATHER SNOW MOON ,  SR87639008  4/5/2015. Breeder: owner. By CH Russet Leather Stormwinds Kizmar High Noon — Russet Leather Prairie Star.  Beverly A Wanjon   . Bitch. Janice Hayes, Agent.
VIZSLAS Open Bitches.
1 40 FIRE MOUNTAIN FLIP FLOP HIP HOP JH ,  SR85074503  10/23/2014. Breeder: Jeff and Shirley Olsen. By CH Olde Ridge Soar N Pfalcon’s Hudson JH — CH Cameo’s Spark of Firemountain JH RN ThD.   Jeff & Shirley Olsen   . Bitch.
A 42 RENAISSANCE HOLLYROCK SCANDAL ,  SR84556401  9/27/2014. Breeder: Linda Durham and George Durham. By Aceweis Yabba Dabba Doo — GCH Renaissance It’s Raining Men JH.   Donna Wasson and Charles Wasson and Linda Durham . Bitch.
A 44 KINDRED SPIRIT LUCKY PENNY OF LYON’S PRIDE ,  SR86098208  1/20/2015. Breeder: Deborah Harrison. By GCH Red Diamond Cimarron Pistol Pizzazz — GCH Mehaghian’s Rasberry Razzie Dazzle.  Karen Lyons   . Bitch.
3 46 MOONLIGHT’S EAT YOUR HEART OUT RN CGC ,  SR78929102  8/11/2013. Breeder: Karen Lake. By CH HRQ Ask The Expert JH — CH Moonlight’s Rock’n Ow’t RN JH CGC.   Karen Lake   . Bitch.
4 48 RED DIAMOND PLAYER OF THE MAGIC FLUTE ,  SR88151005  5/25/2015. Breeder: Michelle Rochester. & Susan Sibley By CH Ask The Expert — GCH Red diamond Chaos Unleashed.   Kristen & Jayme Schick & Jacalyn Schick  . Bitch.
50 DORRATZ KOPPERTONE DREAMS COME TRUE JH,  SR88403303  6/3/2015. Breeder: Donna Defilippis, Mark and Bonnie. Goodwein, Doris Ra By CH Elgin Cariad Dorratz Miles To Go UD TD MHA — Koppertone Dorratz Bluesette CGC.   Leslie Mahr   . Bitch.
2 52 NYIRCSASZARI VARAZSIGE ,  SR87221502  4/14/2015. Breeder: Dr. Sylvia Kerr. By GCH HRQ Guess Who’s In Trouble RN JH OA OAJ — GCH Nyircsaszari Szilva Palinka JH.   Janet Galante and Dr Sylvia Kerr  . Bitch.
A 54 STORMWINDS RUSSET LEATHER EASY GOER ,  SR87639005  4/5/2015. Breeder: Beverly Wanjon. By CH Russet Leather Stormwinds Kizmar High Noon — Russet Leather Prairie Star.   Lucy Adams   . Bitch.
56 FIRE MOUNTAIN TEQUILA JANE CGC ,  SR85074502  10/23/2014. Breeder: Jeff Olsen and Shirley Olsen. By CH Olde Ridge Soar’n Pfalcon’s Hudson JH — CH Cameo’s Sprk of Fire Mountain RN JH THD.   Mark Olenski and Mary Jane Olenski and Jeff Olsen and Shirley Olsen . Bitch.
VIZSLAS Non-Reg Eligible BOB/BOV Veteran Bitches.
1/OS 58 GCH CLASSIC THAT GIRL, CD, RA ,  SR48481901  2/22/2008. Breeder: Marcia Folley and Brooke Counts. By CH Classic Dr. Robert Hutchinson — CH Classic Centre of Attention.   Cathleen Cline & Preston Lane, Marcia Folley & Stephen Cabral . Bitch. Stephen Cabral, Agent.
VIZSLAS Best-of-Breed/Variety 
11 COMYNARA TANNER IS THE SILVER LINING RIDE ,  SR90751801  11/11/2015. Breeder: Susan J Mulley. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Mary Grant   . Dog.
35 CH RENAISSANCE NIGHT ON TH’TOWN ,  SR84447401  9/29/2014. Breeder: Jeff Thompson & Linda Durham. By GCH Renaissance Lord of Th’dance SH — CH Renaissance MS Red Morning Light.  Sebastian Duran   . Dog.
37 GCH RUSSET LEATHER STORMWINDS KIZMAR HIGH NOON ,  SR82833802  4/30/2014. Breeder: Kristen Davis. and Kathy A Rust By GCH Renaissance Lord ot th’Dance SH — CH Kizmar Preminition of the’Kiss.   Beverly Wanjon & Kirsten Davis  . Dog. Valerie Nunes, Agent.
39 GCHB RENAISSANCE TAMBOPATA THE LION HEARTED ,  SR71542502  12/30/2011. Breeder: Linda and George Durham. By GCH Artisan’s Grouse Pt Pink Panther — GCH Renaissance Girls Gone Wild.   Roger and Jeanne Heilman and Linda Durham and Michelle Coburn . Dog.
41 GCHS RUSSET LEATHER RIDE TO THE TOP, AXJ AX OAJ JH,  SR73973803  6/30/2012. Breeder: Mary Grant, Jamie Walton. and Bev Wanjon By GCH Brittania’s Taylor Made for Two — GCH Russet Leather Wild Ride RE.   Mary Grant  . Dog. Lauren Hay-Lavitt, Agent.
A 43 GCH LA TIERRA’S LET’S MISBEHAVE ,  SR80534607  12/17/2013. Breeder: Crandon F Clark and Joan Z Toepke. By GCH HRQ’s Guess Who’s in Trouble JH OA OAJ — GCH Artisan’s Symphony in Pink.   Lara Purciel and Dr. Crandon Clark, Sean Purciel and Laraine Clark . Dog. Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson, Agent.
45 GCH KYLLBURG N WOODLANDD’S JAZZ AND BLUES ,  SR69560104  6/30/2011. Breeder: A. &A. Freyer, C. Zuercher, I.. Kavafian and S. Tenenbom By CH Sandy Acre’s Russet Chief — CH Opus One diva of Kyllburg.   Adrienne & Alan Freyer Carol Zuercher  . Dog. Kellie Miller, Agent.
A 49 CH RED DIAMOND DANCE ‘TIL DAWN ,  SR79789803  10/21/2013. Breeder: Michelle Rochester and Erin Pierc. By GCH Plaza’s Save the Last Dance — GCH Red Diamond Chaos Unleashed.   Michelle Rochester and Robb and Jennifer Owen  . Dog. Lauren House, Agent.
51 CH GOLDEN EMPIRES BREAKING THE BANK ,  SR87937001  5/18/2015. Breeder: owner. By GCH Rennaisance Tambopata the Lionhearted — Golden Empire’s Quintessential Dance.   Michele Coburn and Melody Daggs  . Dog.
A 62 GCHB HRQ ROCKIN AT GOLD RUN ,  SR76051201  1/5/2013. Breeder: Susan and Steve Sibley. By GCH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever — GCH Tivoliz Now Pay Attention MH CD RN.   Susan Sibley and Nancy Jones  . Bitch. Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson, Agent.
64 GCH RISLEY MADE IN DONEGAL FOR THE WILD JH CD WEST JH CGC ,  SR78464501  12/26/2012. Breeder: Catherine Kelly. By GCH Russet Leather Wild Bill Cody MHA RA — CH Risley Made To Order Jun CH, CW, 10,11,12.   Betty Meadows-Bresnahan   . Bitch.
66 GCH RED DIAMOND DANCING WITH THE FIRE ,  SR79789805  10/21/2013. Breeder: Michelle Rochester & Erin Piercy. By CH Plaza’s Save the Last Dance JH — CH Red Diamond Chaos Unleashed.   June Ortman and Michele Coburn and Michelle Rochester . Bitch. Loran Morgan, Agent.
68 CH CLASSICAL ELGIN’S SOMEONE LIKE YOU ,  SR87728701  1/5/2015. Breeder: Cathleen Cline, Stephen M Cabral. and Linn Cabral By GCH Cariad Elgin’s Barna Medve CD RN — GCH Classical Rumor Has It CDX RA.   Edwin Foster and Cathleen Cline  . Bitch. Stephen Cabral, Agent.
70 GCH JEN’S PENNY TAMARON TIANA’S PERFECT ALIBI ,  SR71472503  12/20/2011. Breeder: Tami Westerbeck and Leon. Westerbeck and Nancy Guarascio By GCH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever — CH Tamaron Emerald Reign.  David and Carolyn Helms and Nancy Guarascio and Tami Westerbeck . Bitch.
72 CH MEHAGIAN’S AMAZING GRACE, JH,RN, CGC ,  SR77571601  5/4/2013. Breeder: Marge Mehagian,Marian Kirkpatrick. By CH Mehagian’s Dringus Fitzgerald — GCH Mehagian’s Golden Rose, MH,VC,CGC.   Lorraine Granau   . Bitch. Erin Karst-Hooper, Agent.
A 74 CH KIZMAR CALIBRE SUPER COMBINED JH RN NA OAJ XF ,  SR80591601  12/15/2013. Breeder: Kathy Rust & Nicole & Josh. Rudie By CH Kizmar Justice For All — CH Kizmar Surfing Th’Halfpipe.   Jamie Walton & Kathy Rust  . Bitch.
76 GCHB MEHAGIAN’S CONTESSA ROSE OF TAMARON ,  SR83649002  7/16/2014. Breeder: M Mehagian, M Kirkpatrick,. T Westerbeck By GCH Tamaron’s Tag You’re It — GCH Mehagian’s Golden Rose.  Lorraine Granau   . Bitch. Erin Karst-Hooper, Agent.
78 CH BANKERS SPICE GIRL ,  SR83289002  5/14/2014. Breeder: Paula Murphy, Beth T Kirven. and Rachael Murphy By CH Encounter A Duke Fantasy — CH Solaris Steal Your Heart.   Faye Wilson and Paula Murphy  . Bitch. Ric Plaut, Agent.
80 GCH MOONLIGHT’S EASY TO KEEP CGC ,  SR86858106  2/9/2015. Breeder: Karen Lake, N Guarascio. and T Westerbeck By GCH Jen’s Penny Matra Baci’s Boogie Fever — GCH Moonlight N Tamaron When Stars Align, CGC.   Karen Lake   . Bitch.
VIZSLAS Non-Reg NOT Eligible BOB/BOV Brood Bitch 
1 82 CH KOPPERTONE’S HOTT PANTS ,  SR68035504  5/16/2011. Breeder: Alyson Lyons, D. Stankey, M and B. Goodwein and P. Lamb By CH Koppertone’s Ben Nooreet — CH Koppertone’s Classical Minuet.  Kathy Derham and Mark Goodwein  . Bitch.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Dogs.
1 5 ZENITH MOONLIGHT ALL EYES ON ME ,  SR93893005  5/5/2016. Breeder: Karen Carnahan, Donna and Robert. Stein and Gail Taber By CH HRQ AskThe Expert JH — GCH Zenith’s Back Atcha.   Ilene Morse and Davi Nelson and Karen Lake . Dog.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Dogs.
2 7 KIZMAR GJ HORTON HEARS A HUBERT ,  SR93410502  3/30/2016. Breeder: Sandy Kimmerle, Kathy Rust. and Sheila Aman By GCHP Regal Point Pinnacle of Kilauea MH CGC — CH Kizmar GJ McLain Special Edition.   Maureen Bitter and Sandy Kimmerle  . Dog.
1 9 KOPPERTONE’S SEMPER AUGUSTUS ,  SR92176902  2/27/2016. Breeder: Mark & Bonnie Goodwein. By CH Koppertone’s Redd Hott Jazz — CH Koopertone’s Yoshibel Bat Levi.   Phillip Wightman & Mark & Bonnie Goodwein  . Dog.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES 12 Months and under 15 Months Dogs.
2 15 RUSSET LEATHER KOA SCOUT ,  SR91254702  12/10/2015. Breeder: Beverly and Adrian Wanjon. By GCH Russet Leather Stormwinds Lightning Strikes — CH Russet Leather Peyton Red.   Jim McClintock & Beverly Wanjon  . Dog.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES 12 Months and under 18 Months Dogs.
1/B 11 COMYNARA TANNER IS THE SILVER LINING RIDE ,  SR90751801  11/11/2015. Breeder: Susan J Mulley. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Mary Grant   . Dog.
1 23 RIVERSIDE’S HE’S GOT HEART AT EVENINGSTAR ,  SR89799411  7/8/2015. Breeder: Chad and Janine Marty. By GCH Jaybren’s Irish Star — Mira’s Ruby Slipper.  Aja Montgomery & Gaila Brickus  . Dog.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES Puppy 6 months and under 9 months Bitches.
1 6 RUSSET LEATHER WILD FLOWER II ,  SR93573505  5/16/2016. Breeder: Beverly A Wanjon & Andrian Wanjon. By GCH Russet Leather Stormwinds Lightning Strikes — Russet Leather Breaking Dawn.  Billie Garrard & Beverly Wanjon  . Bitch.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES Puppy 9 months and under 12 months Bitches.
1 8 RED DIAMOND’S MOON RIVER ,  SR9272006  3/27/2016. Breeder: Michelle Rochester & Michelle. Coburn By CH Golden Empire’s Trace of T — GCHB Red Diamond Chaos Unleashed.   Patsy Pope & Michelle Rochester  . Bitch.
VIZSLAS SWEEPSTAKES 12 Months and under 18 Months Bitches.
2 18 COMYNARA PRACTICALLY PANDAEMONIA ,  SR90751802  11/11/2015. Breeder: owner. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Dr. Susan J Mulley   . Bitch. Katelyn Ford, Agent.
1/OS 20 KIZMAR HIT AND RUN CGC RN ,  SR91196704  11/21/2015. Breeder: Kathy Rust & Nicole Ruddie &. Josh Rudie By CH Russet lether Caveat Kiowa — CH Kizmar surfing Th’Halfpipe.   Jamie Walton & Kathy Rust  . Bitch.
3 24 COMYNARA WESTERN RED CEDAR ,  SR90751804  11/11/2015. Breeder: Dr. Susan J Mulley. By GCH Russet Leather Ride To The Top JH AX AXJ — Comynara Mostly Mayhem.   Jim and Tracy Horacek and Susan J Mulley  . Bitch. Katelyn Ford, Agent.
VIZSLAS VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 10 years and older Dogs.
1/OS 53 GCH RUSSET LEATHER WILD BILL CODY, MHA RA ,  SR27592003  7/5/2005. Breeder: Jamie Walton, Carol Dostal. and Beverly Wanjon By CH Kizmar Caveat’s Wild Ride — CH Mach Russet Leather Sacajawea SH OF.   Betty Meadows Bresnahan and Jamie Walton  . Dog.
VIZSLAS VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 years and under 10 years Bitches.
1/B 58 GCH CLASSIC THAT GIRL, CD, RA ,  SR48481901  2/22/2008. Breeder: Marcia Folley and Brooke Counts. By CH Classic Dr. Robert Hutchinson — CH Classic Centre of Attention.   Cathleen Cline & Preston Lane, Marcia Folley & Stephen Cabral . Bitch. Stephen Cabral, Agent.
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