A good time was had by all! There were about 33 dogs and 27 people. I thank everyone in attendance who brought shades and helped set up and clean up. We even had 2 wirehaired vizsla guests!
All the owners got to work their dogs on birds, tracking and searching a bird field. This was a BIG HIT! Scott Seyfarth, Jim Horcek and Kevin Billy were great mentors with the novice handlers and bird dogs.
Mary Grant demonstrated some agility points.
Karen Lake shared her show expertise with a fun mock conformation demonstration. Beverly Wanjon was a great judge! Thank you, ladies!
Betty Meadows ran the popscicle eating contest. The fastest pair (owner and vizsla) was Gretchen Lee and Missy! Betty donated the popscicles and a bottle of Proseco for the prize! Thank you Betty!
The apple bobbing contest winner was Emery. Congratulations!
The weird food eating contest title was shared by Tanner and Arielle. These two ate everything put in front of them! Including spinach and celery!
Thank you to Susan Mulley for planning our SCVC Fun Day.
Also, thank you, Shirley Olsen and Karen Lake who stepped in last minute with all their help to make the day flow smoothly.
Shirley Olsen and Sebastian Duran took lots of amazing photos for us all to enjoy.
It was a great fun day! Thanks again!!
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